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25.05.2014. Stručni rad – Professional paper

According to the World Health Organization, Ayurveda is the oldest medical system in the world that is practiced continuously. It is considered the most complete knowledge and science of healthy living. According to the Vedic scriptures, until the end of the Middle Age, essential oils have been used for religious, medicinal and cosmetic purposes. T...

By Branko Čičić

07.05.2014. Prikaz knjige - Book prewiev

U prethodnoj godini, u izdanju Akademije nauka i umjetnosti Republike Srpske izašla je iz štampe monografija „Obrazovanje, nauka i proizvodnja hrane“,autora akademika Vaskrsija Janjića. Radi se o izuzetno vrijednom dijelu u koje je autor uložio ogroman rad i znanje pa je tako stvorio djelo neobično, kompleksno i sadržajno ...

By Branko Škundurić

The Lamiaceae family, which contains about 200 genus and 3000 species, has a cosmopolitan distribution. Plants of this family are rich in essential oils and phenol compounds. Thymus vulgaris (Thyme) is perennial, subshrub plant which belongs to family of Labiates. Calyx and corolla are covered by dense gleaming glands that eradiate essential oil. L...

By Aleksandar Čančarević, Branko Bugarski, Katarina Šavikin, Gordana Zdunić

13.12.2013. Pregledni rad – Review Paper

Anthocyanins are a group of  over 500 different compounds that cause red, purple and blue colours of many plants, especially fruits, vegetables and cereals. Anthocyanins structuraly belong to flavones. Mainly fruit is considered the main source of anthocyanins , although they are present in vegetables, roots, bulbs, fruit pulps, pulses and cer...

By Nada Ćujić, Tatjana Kundaković, Katarina Šavikin

The burden of diseases caused by food-borne pathogens remains one of the main health, but also economic concern. In spite of improvement in production techniques, hygiene and control measures made by food industry during recent years, Salmonella spp. together with some others bacteria present a cause of millions episodes of illness annually, from w...

By Marija Bošković, Milan Baltić, Jelena Janjić, Marija Dokmanović, Jelena Ivanović, Tatjana Marković, Radmila Marković

In the present study, methanolic extracts of three Veronica species, namely Veronica montana, Veronica beccabunga and Veronica polita, were analyzed for the total iridoids, total phenylethanoids and total phenolics contents. The results showed that iridoid glycosides are the major class of tested secondary metabolites in selected Veronica species. ...

By Jelena Živković, Teodora Janković, Zoran Maksimović

The aim of this study was to investigate the chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of essential oils of peppermint Mentha piperita L. GC / MS techniques confirmed the presence of the 48 components of which menthol (35.57 %) and menthone (22.50 %) were the most abundant. Antimicrobial activity, ie the minimum inhibitory and minimum bacteri...

By Miloš Nikolić, Jasmina Glamočlija, Ana Ćirić, Tatjana Marković, Dejan Marković, Tamara Perić, Marina Soković

Anise is an annual plant from family Apiaceae, originating from Egypt, Greece, Crete and Asia Minor, that has been cultivated since ancient times. During the Middle Ages its cultivation spread throughout Europe, all the way to Great Britain. However, in the northern parts of Europe, due to insufficient hours of sunshine and sum of effective tempera...

By Milica Aćimović, Snežana Oljača, Dušan Kovačević, Vladimir Filipović, Slavoljub Tasić, Vele Tešević

Arnica (Arnica montana L., Asteraceae) is a perennial mountain plant whose flower heads (Arnicae flos) are mainly used for topical treatment of bruises and sprains in phytopharmaceutical preparations such as ointments, creams and gels. Until few years ago, the world market demand for this raw material was almost exclusively covered from the spontan...

By Dejan Pljevljakušić

Biological control involves the use of beneficial microorganisms (bacteria, yeasts, fungi) or the products of their metabolism, as well as the application of plant extracts and essential oils as alternative measures in plant protection. Examining over 40 stored dried medicinal plant species the lowest microbial quality were determined for corn silk...

By Tatjana Stević