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Ana Matković ,
Ana Matković

Institute of Medicinal Plant Research "Dr Josif Pančić" , Belgrade , Serbia

Sava Vrbničanin ,
Sava Vrbničanin

Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade , Belgrade , Serbia

Tatjana Marković ,
Tatjana Marković

Institute of Medicinal Plant Research "Dr Josif Pančić" , Belgrade , Serbia

Dragana Božić
Dragana Božić

Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade , Belgrade , Serbia


This work summarizes the most commonly used methods of research of weed species in medicinal herbs. The choice of method depends on the type of research that we want to conduct. The methods relating to weed herbs are described in detail for the methods of examination of the weeds’ seed germination, methods for the determination of reserves of weed plants’ seeds in the soil (seed bank), as well as the methods for testing the efficiency of the measures for suppression of weed in remedial plants. Within the methods for the examination of germination, described in detail are the use of greenhouses and the methods for the interruption of seeds’ dormancy, with special emphasis on the bases used for the examination of seeds’ germination in Petri dishes. If the soil is sampled based on the locality, the procedure for the physical extraction of weed seeds is described, as well as the method of germination of seeds from the sampled soil. Within the methods for testing the efficiency of the measures for suppression of weed in remedial plants, the types of treatment, the way of weed sampling, as well as the examination of the treatment efficientcy are described.



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