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Veronica officinalis is plant species used in traditional medicine worldwide, but its effects have not been investigated so far. Consequently, the aim of this research was to identify dominant compound in V. officinalis extracts and to determine the effect of ultrasound and extraction temperature on the content of that compound and total phenolic c...

By Biljana Anđelković, Jelena Živković, Katarina Šavikin

Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.) is aromatic plant from Apiaceae family. There are two types that have commercial importance, sweet fennel Foeniculum vulgare var. dulce, and bitter fennel – Foeniculum vulgare var. vulgare. The aim of this study was to examine the quality of essential oil of the fruits of these two varieties. Plants were grow...

By Milica Aćimović, Nataša Milić

Anise (Pimpinella anisum L.) is an annual plant that belongs to the Apiaceae family. It is grown for fruit (Anisi fructus), containing 2-3% essential oil (Anisi aethroleum) with trans-anethole which is a dominant compound and has a characteristic sweet taste and smell. Anise is used in folk medicine in many countries for treatment of digestive, res...

By Milica Aćimović, Nevena Dojčinović

Migraine headaches are extremely common and it is considered that, on average, one of ten people suffer from migraine. The pathogenesis of migraine is not fully understood. There are two theories, vascular and neurogenic. The treatment of migraine involves the prevention and treatment of acute attacks. Preventive therapy is recommended when migrain...

By Milan Ilić

This work summarizes the most commonly used methods of research of weed species in medicinal herbs. The choice of method depends on the type of research that we want to conduct. The methods relating to weed herbs are described in detail for the methods of examination of the weeds’ seed germination, methods for the determination of reserves of...

By Ana Matković, Sava Vrbničanin, Tatjana Marković, Dragana Božić

17.11.2014. Pregledni rad – Review Paper

Pumpkin has been used frequently as functional food or medicine. In recent years due to numerous pharmacological effects, pumpkin polysaccahrides attract increased attention from researchers. Different investigations showed their antidiabetic, antioxidant, hypolipidemic, antibacterial and antitussive effect. Since most of the studies with pumpkin p...

By Jelena Živković, Katarina Šavikin, Gordana Zdunić, Teodora Janković

04.11.2014. Originalan naučni rad– Original scientific paper

Chicory (Cichorium intybus L.) is traditionally recognized for its anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, anticancer and nutritive properties. Among active secondary metabolites detected in chicory, the most important are sesquiterpene lactones and phenolics, including chlorogenic acid (CA). Hereby we have analyzed the content of CA in previously obtain...

By Milica Bogdanović, Milan Dragićević, Angelina Subotić, Ana Simonović, Slađana Todorović

In recent years great attention was paid to biological control, the application of natural products in order to protect crops and medicinal plants against contamination with phytopathogenic and saprophytic fungi. Essential oils have been evaluated as a potentially safe replacement for chemicals used for that purpose. In this regard, antifungal pote...

By Tatjana Stević, Slaviša Stanković, Katarina Šavikin, Dejan Gođevac, Ivica Dimkić, Marina Soković

05.01.2015. Originalan naučni rad– Original scientific paper

This paper studies the effect of gibberellic acid (GA3), herbal preparation (LAB1) and the pre-cooling treatment (Ph) on seed germination of Origanum heracleoticum L. and Origanum vulgare L. As a control variant, seed treatment with distilled water was used. The highest germination energy (EK), germination after 14 days (14D) and total germination ...

By Vladimir Filipović, Vera Popović, Milica Aćimović, Tatjana Marković, Rade Protić

The most commonly used methods of isolation and concentration of certain constituents from herbal drugs with selected solvents are maceration, doubled maceration, digestion, turboextraction, percolation, repercolation, ultrasonic-assisted extraction and counter-current extraction. According to their consistency, extracts can be classified as liquid...

By Ljiljana Savić