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Nada Ćujić ,
Nada Ćujić

Institute for Medicinal Plant Reasearch „Dr Josif Pančić “, Tadeuša Košćuška, Belgrade, Serbia

Nebojša Menković ,
Nebojša Menković

Institute for Medicinal Plant Reasearch „Dr Josif Pančić “, Tadeuša Košćuška, Belgrade, Serbia

Katarina Šavikin ,
Katarina Šavikin

Institute for Medicinal Plant Reasearch „Dr Josif Pančić “, Tadeuša Košćuška, Belgrade, Serbia

Slavoljub Tasić ,
Slavoljub Tasić

Institute for Medicinal Plant Reasearch „Dr Josif Pančić “, Tadeuša Košćuška, Belgrade, Serbia

Gordana Zdunić ,
Gordana Zdunić

Institute for Medicinal Plant Reasearch „Dr Josif Pančić “, Tadeuša Košćuška, Belgrade, Serbia

Teodora Janković ,
Teodora Janković

Institute for Medicinal Plant Reasearch „Dr Josif Pančić “, Tadeuša Košćuška, Belgrade, Serbia

Miodrag Jovančević
Miodrag Jovančević

BiotechnicalFaculty, Center for ContinentalFruit, Bijelo Polje, Montenegro


This paper describes the effects of altitude on the content of polyphenolic compounds in the wild berry fruits. Berries are known as a good source of polyphenols, which contribute to the high antioxidant activity. Epidemiological studies have shown a correlation between a high intake of polyphenolic compounds and reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases, as well as beneficial effects on some types of cancer and neurodegenerative diseases like Alcheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. During the research three types of berries (raspberries, blackberries and strawberries), collected at different altitudes in the Montenegro’smountain Bjelasica, were analyzed.  The contents of total phenolics, total anthocyanins, cyanidine and elagic acid were determined. The highest content of total phenolics, total anthocyanins and cyanidine was detected in fruits of wild blackberries, raspberries and strawberries, which were collected from higher elevations, while in the case of elagicacid, certain higher content of the fruits that grow at lower altitudes.



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