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This study was aimed to compare the efficiency of silymarin extraction from Silybi mariani fructus using different extraction methods. Maceration, percolation, extraction in a water bath, and ultrasonicassisted extraction have been performed with 60% ethanol. Extracts were analyzed using UV/Vis and HPLC techniques. Our results showed that the highe...

By Sofija Đorđević, Teodora Janković, Milica Mihailović

Due to its high content of phenolics, black chokeberry has been proposed as a health-promoting material, especially use of chokeberry extract as a food or pharmaceuticals. Chokeberry extract was spray-dried using gum Arabic as a carrier. The optimal conditions for the efficient microencapsulation of chokeberry extract using spray-drying technique h...

By Nada Čujić-Nikolić, Nemanja Stanisavljević, Katarina Šavikin, Ana Kalaušević, Viktor Nedović, Dubravka Bigović, Teodora Janković

Different biological activities of Hypericum perforatum L. dry extract was tested in this study. Antioxidant activity was evaluated by four different assays. Antineurodegenerative activity was tested using acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and tyrosinase inhibitory activity assays. In all four antioxidant assays, concentration dependent manner was notice...

By Katarina Šavikin, Ana Alimpić, Gordana Zdunić, Jelena Živković, Teodora Janković, Nebojša Menković, Sonja Duletić-Laušević

25.12.2017. Research Article
Peer seeds - rich source of antioxidants

During fruit processing, a large amount of solid residues such as seeds, remains underutilized. There is a need to find method for use of these by-products and to convert them into products with significant health, environmental and/or economic benefits. This study provides data about content of lipophilic antioxidants (carotenoids and tocols) and ...

By Jelena Živković, Katarina Šavikin

Asplenium ceterach (syn. Ceterach officinarum Willd.) or rustyback fern, is a plant species traditionally used in Mediterranean countries as expectorant, diuretic, against spleen complaints, kidney stones and hemorrhoids. Phytochemical analysis of gametophytes and sporophytes of A. ceterach was performed, followed by comparative analysis of phenoli...

By Suzana Živković, Marijana Skorić, Branislav Šiler, Slavica Dmitrović, Biljana Filipović, Tijana Nikolić, Danijela Mišić

The chemical composition of the volatile oil of Inula aschersoniana was studied by GC and GC-MS. Fortyfive constituents representing 92.9% of the total oil were detected. The oil contained fatty acids (55.2%) and alkanes (14.1%), followed by oxygenated monoterpenes (9.6%), sesquiterpenoids (7.1%) and aromatic compounds (4.5%). It is characterized b...

By Milka Todorović, Antoaneta Trendafilova, Dimitar Dimitrov

This study was conducted to analyse extracts and essential oils of Ferulago macedonica and Echinophora sibthorpiana (Apiaceae) for anti–quorum sensing potential using Pseudomonas aerugonisa PAO1 as biomonitoring system. Anti–quorum sensing screening was carried out by tree different tests which showed that examined samples possessed sig...

By Ksenija Mileski, Ana Ćirić, Vlado Matevski, Petar Marin, Marina Soković, Ana Džamić

Potential of anti-age cosmetic line, day and night creams was evaluated using noninvasive measurements of the appropriate skin biophysical parameters in a 24-h in vivo study under occlusion. Thirty one healthy female volunteers were involved in the study. Electrical capacitance (EC), transepidermal water loss (TEWL), erythema index (EI) were evalua...

By Nada Čujić, Ana Žugić, Gordana Zdunić, Katarina Šavikin

25.12.2017. Research Article
Polyphenols Extraction From Plant Sources

Various conventional (maceration and heat-assisted extraction) and new alternative techniques (ultrasound-assisted extraction and microwave-assisted extraction) have been developed for the extraction of polyphenols compounds from different plant sources. Novel procedures have established with the aim to reduce the extraction time and solvent consum...

By Aleksandra Jovanović, Predrag Petrović, Verica Đorđević, Gordana Zdunić, Katarina Šavikin, Branko Bugarski

Mushrooms for ages have been used by humans, not only as a source of food, but medicinal resources as well. They were used as a part of traditional medicine, first of all in the civilizations of the East and recentlly in Western civilizations. The mushrooms constitute 16,000 species worldwide with more than 2000 species identified as safe. Among th...

By Jasmina Glamočlija, Marina Soković