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Ana Matković ,
Ana Matković

Institute for Medicinal Plant Research „Dr Josif Pančić“ , Belgrade , Serbia

Tatjana Marković ,
Tatjana Marković

Institute for Medicinal Plant Research „Dr Josif Pančić“ , Belgrade , Serbia

Vladimir Filipović ,
Vladimir Filipović

Institute for Medicinal Plant Research „Dr Josif Pančić“ , Belgrade , Serbia

Dragoja Radanović ,
Dragoja Radanović

Institute for Medicinal Plant Research „Dr Josif Pančić“ , Belgrade , Serbia

Sava Vrbničanin ,
Sava Vrbničanin

Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade , Belgrade , Serbia

Dragana Božić
Dragana Božić

Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade , Belgrade , Serbia


Peppermint (Mentha x piperita) is a perennial, medicinal and aromatic, cultivated plant species belonging to Lamiaceae family. In this study, survey of 9 organic mulches (straw, chopped pieces of the pine bark, sawdust of acacia, cardboard, dry pine needles, chopped maize sedge, chopped pieces of the acacia bark, herbal composts 1 and 2), 1 biodegradable (black mulch film) and 4 plastic mulch films (silver-brown, perforated black, black, black “agrotextil”) were tested in Mentha x piperita experimental cultivation, located in Serbia. Three different models were used for application of mulches and films in the early spring of 2015. The plots were separated on two parts, one with hand weeding and the other one without weeding. Identical rows with peppermint were used as a double control, with no use of mulches/films; one control was kept free of weeds (C1 - weeds were manually removed), while the second one was kept intact (C2 - no weeds removal). Comparing to control treatment silver-brown polyethylene film (sPE), black agrotextil film (BA) and two organic mulches (sawdust of acacia and pine needles), showed very good effects on peppermint yield and reduction of weed biomass. Therefore, we selected them for further investigation. The aim of this study was to evaluate and select the best application models of organic mulches and mulch films for further investigation which will lead to the achievement of the highest yield of good quality peppermint herbal drug.



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