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This study was aimed to compare the efficiency of silymarin extraction from Silybi mariani fructus using different extraction methods. Maceration, percolation, extraction in a water bath, and ultrasonicassisted extraction have been performed with 60% ethanol. Extracts were analyzed using UV/Vis and HPLC techniques. Our results showed that the highe...

By Sofija Đorđević, Teodora Janković, Milica Mihailović

Due to its high content of phenolics, black chokeberry has been proposed as a health-promoting material, especially use of chokeberry extract as a food or pharmaceuticals. Chokeberry extract was spray-dried using gum Arabic as a carrier. The optimal conditions for the efficient microencapsulation of chokeberry extract using spray-drying technique h...

By Nada Čujić-Nikolić, Nemanja Stanisavljević, Katarina Šavikin, Ana Kalaušević, Viktor Nedović, Dubravka Bigović, Teodora Janković

In this study, water and various concentrations of ethanol in water (30 %, 50 %, 70 %, and 90 %) were used as a solvent in the extraction of two different samples of hemp (Cannabis sativa L.). The extraction yield, total phenols content, total flavonoids content, antioxidant activity, and reductive capacity were determined in the obtained extracts....

By Zorica Drinić, Senka Vidović, Jelena Vladić, Anamarija Koren, Biljana Kiprovski, Vladmir Sikora

Biological activities of Sorbus aucuparia L. leaves extract was tested in our study. Antineurodegenerative activity was evaluated by acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and tyrosinase (TYR) inhibitory activity assays while antioxidant activity was by tested using four different assays. In all antioxidant test we noticed concentration dependent activity of ...

By Katarina Šavikin, Gordan Zdunić, Ana Alimpić, Dubravka Bigović, Dejan Pljevljakušić, Sonja Duletić-Laušević

The evaluation of the inhibition effect achieved by essential oils of dill (Anethum graveolens L.), oregano (Origanum vulgare L.), juniper (Juniperus communis L.), sage (Salvia officinalis L.) and winter savory (Satureja montana L.)  on seed germination and shoot growth of Johnson grass (Sorghum halepense L.) was tested in laboratory. The chem...

By Ana Matković, Tatjana Marković, Sava Vrbničanin, Marija Sarić Krsmanović, Dragana Božić

The aim of study was to investigate development of perennial medicinal plant, Satureja montana L., cultivated in dry farming conditions of South Banat, Serbia, with use of black permeable mulch film. In the first two vegetations, the influence of fertilization and crop density on yields of the aboveground plant part (per plant and per m2) and on th...

By Dragoja Radanović, Ana Matković, Rada Đurović Pejčev, Tatjana Marković, Vladmir Filipović, Snežana Mrđan, Jovica Vasin

This study aimed to investigate the activity of C. oblonga peel and leaf ethanolic extracts on biofilm formation of different microbial strains, including pathogenic bacteria and food poisoning strains. It was shown that both of the investigated extracts inhibited biofilm formation in a dose dependent manner with sub-minimal inhibitory concent...

By Dejan Stojković, Kristina Jevremović, Marija Smiljković, Jelena Živković, Marina Soković

Biologically active compounds from plants have attracted great interest due to their affordability, effectiveness and low toxicity. Herbal extracts provide an infinite resource of raw materials for pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food industry. Unfortunately, use of the valuable natural compounds can be limited by their low bioavailability, volatiliza...

By Jelena Mudrić, Svetlana Ibrić, Jelena Đuriš

Lichens represent a promising source of antimicrobial, cytotoxic and antioxidant agents. Their great pharmacological potential lies in the fact that they represent specific symbiotic organisms and thus possess natural roles allowing them to be highly adaptable to different environmental conditions. On the other hand, stated biological activities of...

By Ana Zugić, Vanja Tadić, Tatjana Kundaković, Snežana Savić

This doctoral dissertation was focused on the optimization of the extraction parameters to achieve the maximum yield of phenolic compounds in the Urtica dioica L. leaf extracts. The extract with the highest content of phenolic compounds was tested in the model of experimental hypertension to determine its effects on oxidative and hemodynamic status...

By Una-Jovana Vajić