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This study was designed to investigate the impact of different extraction methods (ultrasound-assisted extraction, maceration, and microwave-assisted extraction) on the content of polyphenols and biological activities of leaf extract of Paeonia daurica subsp. daurica collected in Južni Kučaj (Serbia). The total polyphenol and flavonoid c...

By Petar Batinic, Natalija Cutovic, Aleksandra Jovanović, Dejan Stojković, Gokhan Zengin, Tamara Carević, Željana Prijić, Aleksandar Marinković, Tatjana Marković

The following study was designed to explore antimicrobial properties of the by-product obtained in a hydro-distillation process of essential oil from Nepeta nuda L. We strived to develop a novel drink with antimicrobial self-preserving properties based on two components, N. nuda decoct and apple juice. By using 96-well plate microdilution assay it ...

By Uroš Gašić, Dejan Stojković, Marija Ivanov, MIlica Miletić, Danijela Mišić, Milan Veljić, Marina Soković

Staphylococcus aureus is a human pathogen that causes serious infections with high mortality rates. The antimicrobial activities of eight phenolic compounds (caffeic acid, chlorogenic acid, ferulic acid, morin, quercetin, isoquercitrin, rutin and hesperidin) were evaluated against planktonic and biofilm forming Staphylococcus aureus cells. Their ab...

By Marina Kostić, Marija Ivanov, Dejan Stojković, Ana Ćirić, Marina Soković

Raphanus sativus L. (Brassicaceae) is an edible plant, whose root is consumed all over the world. The objective of this study was to test antibacterial potential of R. sativus ethanolic extract on 12 pathogenic bacteria including multiresistant bacterial strains and MRSA. All of the tested bacteria showed sensitivity to the antibacterial effect of ...

By Dejan Stojković, Marija Smiljković, Miloš Nikolić, Jelena Živković, Marina Soković

This study aimed to investigate the activity of C. oblonga peel and leaf ethanolic extracts on biofilm formation of different microbial strains, including pathogenic bacteria and food poisoning strains. It was shown that both of the investigated extracts inhibited biofilm formation in a dose dependent manner with sub-minimal inhibitory concent...

By Dejan Stojković, Kristina Jevremović, Marija Smiljković, Jelena Živković, Marina Soković