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Comprehensive combined chemical and pharmacognostic approach in the investigation of Montenegrin flora, with emphasis on endemic species: Past performance and future potential

Nebojša R.Menković ,
Nebojša R.Menković
Contact Nebojša R.Menković

Institute for Medicinal Plants Research “Dr. Josif Pančić”, Belgrade, Serbia

Vanja M.Tadić
Vanja M.Tadić

Institute for Medicinal Plants Research “Dr. Josif Pančić”, Belgrade, Serbia


Herein, we have reviewed the comparative analysis relating pharmacognostic and chemical approaches in the investigation of the chosen plants from Montenegrin flora known for the constituents recognized as carriers of different biological activities. In addition, some of the mentioned extensively studied plants were with uncertain status in the systematics, as not being recognized as new species. The results of pharmacognostic studies with the thorough chemical analyses addressing the problem in positioning some of the investigated plants from Swertia, Gentiana and Gentianella genera belonging to family Gentianaceae in systematics, performed within the collaboration of two research groups from Institute for Medicinal Plants Research “Dr. Josif Pančić” and Faculty of Chemistry, the University of Belgrade under the leadership of Dr. Nebojša Menković and Prof. Dr. Slobodan Milosavljević were summarized. In addition, the complete chemical structure elucidation of sesquiterpene lactones present in Anthemis sp. as potential anti-inflammatory agents, applying the sophisticated 2D NMR techniques was reviewed. Further, the parthenolide content determination in Tanacetum larvatum revealed the possibility of the successful application of 1H NMR techniques in quantification studies. The findings presented in the published literature stressed the importance of a combined chemical and pharmacognostic approach in the investigation of natural products originating from plants.



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