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This study aimed to assess the antineurodegenerative and antioxidant activity of Helichrysum plicatum flower extract, as well as to identify extract ingredients with acceptable pharmacokinetic parameters such as gastrointestinal absorption, blood-brain barrier permeation, and P-glycoprotein-mediated effusion for optimal therapeutic brain exposure. ...

By Miloš Jovanović, Zorica Drinić, Dubravka Bigović, Ana Alimpić-Aradski, Sonja Duletić-Laušević, Katarina Šavikin

Fruticin (amorphin) is a constituent of the fruit of the false indigo-bush (Amorpha fruticosa L.), which belongs to the class of rotenoid glycosides, and shows several interesting pharmacological activities. The aim of this study was to isolate and chemically characterize this natural product, as well as to determine the optimal period of the year ...

By Stevan Samardžić, Aleksandra Tucović, Danilo Stojanović, Zoran Maksimović

Staphylococcus aureus is a human pathogen that causes serious infections with high mortality rates. The antimicrobial activities of eight phenolic compounds (caffeic acid, chlorogenic acid, ferulic acid, morin, quercetin, isoquercitrin, rutin and hesperidin) were evaluated against planktonic and biofilm forming Staphylococcus aureus cells. Their ab...

By Marina Kostić, Marija Ivanov, Dejan Stojković, Ana Ćirić, Marina Soković

This study represents a continuation of exploring of the biological activities of the Artemisia santonicum essential oil. The previous investigation was focused on the antibacterial, antibiofilm, and antiquorum activities of A. santonicum essential oil and isogeranic acid as the main antibacterial constituent. The present study describes their anti...

By Jovana Stankov-Jovanović, Miroslav Novaković, Miroslav Novaković, Vele Tešević, Gordana Zdunić, Zora Dajić Stevanović, Dejan Gođevac

Lady’s mantle (Alchemilla vulgaris L. syn. Alchemilla xanthochlora Rothm., Rosaceae) has been commonly used in folk medicine to heal inflammations in the mouth, bleeding of the nose, furuncules, gynaecological (menorrhagia and dysmenorrhoea), and gastrointestinal disorders. Although therapeutic indications for Lady’s mantle are non-specific diarrho...

By Vanja Tadić, Nemanja Krgović, Ana Žugić

Nepeta nuda L. (syn. N. pannonica L.) is a herbaceous perennial plant, is the most widespread species of the genus Nepeta, the largest genera in Lamiaceae family. However, N. nuda is well spread worldwide, and divided into four subspecies according to morphological differences which occur within large geographical range of distribution: subsp. nuda...

By Milica Aćimović, Jovana Stankov-Jovanović, Mirjana Cvetković

The influence of Satureja montana extracts on several liver biochemical parameters in mice administered with carbon tetrachloride was estimated. In vivo investigation of antioxidant properties of S. montana extracts encompassed monitoring of biochemical parameters (derived from liver homogenate and blood hydrolyzate) and examination of potential he...

By Tatjana Ćebović, Jelena Vladić, Aleksandra Gavarić, Zoran Zekanović, Senka Vidović

Species of the Lamiaceae family have enjoyed a rich tradition of use for flavoring, food preservation, and medicinal purposes, due to their curative and preventive properties. Cultivated winter savory (Satureja montana L.), sage (Salvia officinalis L.) and hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis L.) are produced for seed, herb, and essential oil. Dominant com...

By Milica Aćimović, Marina Todosijević, Ana Varga, Biljana Kiprovski, Vele Tešević, Ivana Čabarkapa, Vladimir Sikora

Herbal products have gained popularity, and they are often perceived as safe. The roles of the pharmacists and physicians are essential in the proper usage of those products. This study aimed to investigate the students of Faculty of Medicine in Niš about the use of herbal preparations and the differences between medicine, pharmacy and denti...

By Emilija Kostić, Milica MIlutinović, Milica Kostić, Jasmina Petrović, Bojana Miladinović, Suzana Branković, Maja Vujović, Dušanka Kitić

This article describes the preparation, characterization, and application of W/O/W emulsions, with emphasis on the encapsulation of plant bioactives. The main limitations preventing commercialization of double emulsions with plant bioactive substances, used for the preparation of food, nutraceuticals and pharmaceuticals for oral administration, are...

By Jelena Mudrić, Katarina Šavikin, Svetlana Ibrić, Jelena Đuriš