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The aims of the present research were to develop and characterize 4-hydroxycoumarin-loaded liposomes via the determination of encapsulation efficiency, antioxidant capacity, vesicle size, polydispersity index (PDI), zeta potential, conductivity, mobility, density, surface tension, viscosity, and 60-day storage stability. The encapsulation efficien...

By Aleksandra Jovanović, Edina Avdović, Ana Plećić, Vojislav Ćirić, Branko Bugarski, Zoran Marković

25.12.2023. Originalan naučni rad– Original scientific paper
Microwawe–assisted extraction of antioxidant compounds from Vaccinium Myrtillus leaves

Vaccinium myrtillus L. (bilberry, Ericaceae), a perennial, wild, and small deciduous shrub that grows in the mountains and forests of Europe. The leaf extracts are widely used in traditional medicine due to their astringent, antiseptic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, hypolipidemic, and hypoglycemic activities. Microwave-assisted extraction provide...

By Muna Elferjane, Petar Batinić, Natalija Čutović, Milena Milošević, Vojislav Ćirić, Aleksandar Marinković, Aleksandra Jovanović