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25.12.2023. Originalan naučni rad– Original scientific paper
Microbiological quality and efficacy of preservatives in marigold-based skin care products

The microbiological stability of cosmetic products is crucial, especially in products with high water content, such as creams. Therefore, preservatives are used in order to protect consumers from harmful pathogens that would otherwise invade the cosmetics. Despite their function, the addition of preservatives can be considered controversial in the ...

By Tatjana Stević, Nemanja Krgovic, Jelena Mudrić, Nada Cujic Nikolic, Ana Žugić, Dubravka Bigović, Tea Ganić, Katarina Šavikin

Willowherb (Epilobium angustifolium L.) leaves are a valuable source of polyphenolic compounds (phenolic acids, flavonoids, and ellagitannins) that are mainly used in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia. In the presented study, the impacts of maltodextrin and whey protein as carriers on the efficiency of spray drying and physicochemical p...

By Miloš Janković, Zorica Drinić, Dubravka Bigović, Gordana Zdunić, Jelena Mudrić, Katarina Šavikin

The roots of yellow gentian, Gentiana lutea L. (Gentianaceae) are used in traditional medicine for the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders, with the literature data indicate a local gastric effect of gentian root extract (GRE) and support the use of the solid pharmaceutical forms. Gentiopicroside, as a dominant secoiridoid in the GRE, has a sho...

By Jelena Mudrić, Mirjana Pajić, Dubravka Bigović, Jelena Đuriš

The stability of linseed (Linum usitatissimum) oil has been investigated through the exposition of two different samples, linseed oil without antioxidant and linseed oil with roesemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) extract, to ambient temperature conditions (25 °C) and refrigerator temperature conditions (4 °C). The oxidation degree of linseed oi...

By Zorica Drinić, Jelena Mudrić, Gordana Zdunić, Dubravka Bigović, Katarina Šavikin

This article describes the preparation, characterization, and application of W/O/W emulsions, with emphasis on the encapsulation of plant bioactives. The main limitations preventing commercialization of double emulsions with plant bioactive substances, used for the preparation of food, nutraceuticals and pharmaceuticals for oral administration, are...

By Jelena Mudrić, Katarina Šavikin, Svetlana Ibrić, Jelena Đuriš

Biologically active compounds from plants have attracted great interest due to their affordability, effectiveness and low toxicity. Herbal extracts provide an infinite resource of raw materials for pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food industry. Unfortunately, use of the valuable natural compounds can be limited by their low bioavailability, volatiliza...

By Jelena Mudrić, Svetlana Ibrić, Jelena Đuriš