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The following study was designed to explore antimicrobial properties of the by-product obtained in a hydro-distillation process of essential oil from Nepeta nuda L. We strived to develop a novel drink with antimicrobial self-preserving properties based on two components, N. nuda decoct and apple juice. By using 96-well plate microdilution assay it ...

By Uroš Gašić, Dejan Stojković, Marija Ivanov, MIlica Miletić, Danijela Mišić, Milan Veljić, Marina Soković

The impact of ploidy level on both the regenerative potential under in vitro conditions and the production of major bioactive specialized metabolites, such are iridoids and xanthones, was examined in Centaurium erythraea Rafn. Shoot regeneration frequency was genotype dependent, but not affected by explant ploidy level. In most cases, the regenerat...

By Biljana Filipović, Branislav Šiler, Jasmina Nestorović-Živković, Tijana Banjanac, Marijana Skorić, Jelena Božunović, Danijela Mišić

Asplenium ceterach (syn. Ceterach officinarum Willd.) or rustyback fern, is a plant species traditionally used in Mediterranean countries as expectorant, diuretic, against spleen complaints, kidney stones and hemorrhoids. Phytochemical analysis of gametophytes and sporophytes of A. ceterach was performed, followed by comparative analysis of phenoli...

By Suzana Živković, Marijana Skorić, Branislav Šiler, Slavica Dmitrović, Biljana Filipović, Tijana Nikolić, Danijela Mišić