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Slavoljub Tasić
Slavoljub Tasić

Institute for Medicinal Plant Research “Dr Josif Pančić“ , Belgrade , Serbia


This paper presents the basic concepts encountered in ethnobotany. First of all, an attempt has been made to define the field of ethnobotany research, to explain the definitions, objectives, methods, and procedures of research, to answer some questions, to resolve a dilemma faced by researchers in this field. It was a challenge to present a special view of the traditional use of plants in SE Europe and Western Balkans which are rooted in cultural patterns, and phenomena characteristic of the entire Eurasian cultural space. Finally, some interesting examples should allow reader to contemplate ethnobotany in space and time tending; through mythology, tradition, legend; to understand religious character, or form; interpret the scientific merits or validity; understand cultural pattern; to note social, biological and linguistic phenomena that deals with this discipline.


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