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Đorđe Glamočlija ,
Đorđe Glamočlija

Faculty of Agriculture , Belgrade-Zemun , Serbia

Slobodan Dražić ,
Slobodan Dražić

Institute for Medicinal Plants Research ˝Dr Josif Pančić , Belgrade , Serbia

Vera Popović ,
Vera Popović

Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops , Novi Sad , Serbia

Vladimir Filipović
Vladimir Filipović

Institute for Medicinal Plants Research ˝Dr Josif Pančić˝ , Belgrade , Serbia


The experiments were carried with two introduced quinao cultivars, KVL 37 and KVL 52, during the years 2010, 2011. and 2012., established at the experimental field in Stara Pazova. Three-year average yield of the grains of quinoa cultivars was 1322 kg ha-1, and expressed per cultivar ha-1 it accounted 1297 kg for KVL 37 and 1347 kg ha-1 for KVL 52. Highest variability of the yields per cultivar was observed in the first experimental year; cultivar KVL 52 achieved a higher yield by about 20%. In the second year, a higher yield of 7% gave cultivar KVL 37, while in the third experimental year, cultivar KVL 52 was again yielding about 2% more in comparison to the other one. Significantly greater variations in grain yield values were observed when comparing the experimental years. The lowest yield on the whole was recorded in the year 2012 (906 kg ha-1), while for a 51% it was greater in the year 2010. The highest yield was obtained in the second year (1693 kg ha-1), the value being higher than the one obtained in the first year by 9% and in the third year by 87%. Such large and significant variations were attributed to the unfavorable weather conditions during the growing period of quinoa plants. Analysis of chemical composition of quinoa grains revealed the greatest variations in the content of the total proteins. In grain of cultivar KVL 52 and KVL 37, the total protein values were 17.43%, and 15.23%, respectively. In addition, the cultivar KVL 52 proved to be richer in mineral salts, while the cultivar KVL 37 was for 2% richer in dietary carbohydrates.


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