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Relatively simple, but very reliable, one-step qualitative/quantitative HPLC analysis of four key flavonoids, and a phenolcarboxylic acid, has been introduced. For substrate/sample preparations, either triple percolations, using 70% ethanol-water (V/V), or/and ultrasonic bath methanol extractions, were carried out to obtain the desired isolates yi...

By Vanja Tadic, Dragica Bojovic, Goran Marković, Ivana Nešić, Ana Žugić

Lady’s mantle (Alchemilla vulgaris L. syn. Alchemilla xanthochlora Rothm., Rosaceae) has been commonly used in folk medicine to heal inflammations in the mouth, bleeding of the nose, furuncules, gynaecological (menorrhagia and dysmenorrhoea), and gastrointestinal disorders. Although therapeutic indications for Lady’s mantle are non-specific diarrho...

By Vanja Tadić, Nemanja Krgović, Ana Žugić

Usnea barbata (old man’s beard) is one of the most investigated lichens which biological properties (such as antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and cytotoxic activities) have been proven in several scientific studies. Stated properties of old man’s beard have been attributed mainly to its major secondary metabolite - a dibenzofuran deriva...

By Ana Žugić, Aleksandra Isaković, Ivica Jeremić, Vanja Tadić

Lichens represent a promising source of antimicrobial, cytotoxic and antioxidant agents. Their great pharmacological potential lies in the fact that they represent specific symbiotic organisms and thus possess natural roles allowing them to be highly adaptable to different environmental conditions. On the other hand, stated biological activities of...

By Ana Zugić, Vanja Tadić, Tatjana Kundaković, Snežana Savić