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The usage of hawthorn preparations has a long history in the traditional treatment of heart failure, which is considered as the inability of a weakened heart to supply peripheral tissues with the required amount of oxygen and nutrients. The leaf, flower, and fruit of the hawthorn, due to the presence of bioactive compounds such as flavonoids, procy...

By Sofija Đorđević, Nada Čujić-Nikolić

This study was aimed to compare the efficiency of silymarin extraction from Silybi mariani fructus using different extraction methods. Maceration, percolation, extraction in a water bath, and ultrasonicassisted extraction have been performed with 60% ethanol. Extracts were analyzed using UV/Vis and HPLC techniques. Our results showed that the highe...

By Sofija Đorđević, Teodora Janković, Milica Mihailović

This paper presents growing possibilities of oily and medicinal plant - black cumin (Nigella sativa L.), and defines agro-technical standards for this. Use of seed and black cumin oil in the world is increasing. With regard to this, the goal of this study was to establish  technical procedure for cultivation of this, less commonly cultivated s...

By Vladimir Filipović, Vladan Ugrenović, Dragoja Radanović, Tatjana Marković, Vera Popović, Sofija Đorđević, Snežana Dimitrijević

According to Erg. B. 6, C. acaulis, is the biological source of Carlinae radix. The root is traditionally used in the treatment ofcatarrh of upper respiratory tract, as diuretic, stomachic, diaphoretic and tonic. Externally it was used for the treatment of different skin conditions. Though not described in any modern pharmacopoeia, C. radix is pres...

By Sofija Đorđević

Essential oil of chamomile [Chamomilla recutita (L.)Rausch.,syn. Matricariachamomilla L., Asteraceae], also known as oil of German or Hungarian chamomile, is obtained by steam distillation of fresh (or partially dried) flowersand stems. Depending on various factors, essential oil yield ranges from 0.3 to 1.0%. The oil is usually clear, blue, viscou...

By Katarina Šavikin, Nebojša Menković, Mihailo Ristić, Ivana Arsić, Gordana Zdunić, Sofija Đorđević, Sofija Ćujić, Dejan Pljevljakušić