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In the present study, basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) and lovage (Levisticum officinale Koch.) extracts were obtained using maceration, ultrasound- and microwave-assisted extractions (UAE and MAE, respectively). Varying the different extraction solvents, including water, methanol, acetone, and ethyl acetate, the analyses of total polyphenol and flavono...

By Petar Batinić, Natalija Čutović, Snežana Mrđan, Aleksandra Jovanović, Katarina Čirić, Aleksandar Marinković, Branko Bugarski

The aim of study was to investigate development of perennial medicinal plant, Satureja montana L., cultivated in dry farming conditions of South Banat, Serbia, with use of black permeable mulch film. In the first two vegetations, the influence of fertilization and crop density on yields of the aboveground plant part (per plant and per m2) and on th...

By Dragoja Radanović, Ana Matković, Rada Đurović Pejčev, Tatjana Marković, Vladmir Filipović, Snežana Mrđan, Jovica Vasin