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Marshmallow (Althaea officinalis L.) root is used as a drug in medicine, pharmaceutical, cosmetic as well as in food products, due to the content of mucilage with a broad range of physicochemical properties. Since mucilage content in roots depends on genotype and growing conditions, the quality control is, therefore, one of the major tasks in the r...

By Dragana Rančič, Slobodan Dražić, Svetlana Aćić, Radenko Radošević, Zora Dajić Stevanović

The experiments were carried with two introduced quinao cultivars, KVL 37 and KVL 52, during the years 2010, 2011. and 2012., established at the experimental field in Stara Pazova. Three-year average yield of the grains of quinoa cultivars was 1322 kg ha-1, and expressed per cultivar ha-1 it accounted 1297 kg for KVL 37 and 1347 kg ha-1 for KVL 52....

By Đorđe Glamočlija, Slobodan Dražić, Vera Popović, Vladimir Filipović

06.06.2011. Stručni rad – Professional paper
USES OF CORIANDER (Coriandrum sativum L.)

All parts of the plant are edible, but the dried seeds (Coriandri fructus), fresh leaves (Coriandri folium) and aerial parts of plant (Coriandri herba) are the most common used. A seeds is used like powdered, dry extract, tea, tincture, decoction or infusion, leaf as vegetable or spice, and aerial parts for distilation of essential oil.Medicinal be...

By Milica Aćimović, Snežana Oljača, Slobodan Dražić