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The aim of the present study was the optimization of the extraction conditions (particle size, solid-to-solvent ratio, extraction time and procedure) via total polyphenol content and radical scavenging activity, using wild thyme as a natural source of polyphenols. According to the total polyphenols yield, particle size, solvent-to-solid ratio and e...

By Aleksandra Jovanović, Mihaela Skrt, Predrag Petrović, Gordana Zdunić, Katarina Šavikin, Branko Bugarski

25.12.2017. Research Article
Polyphenols Extraction From Plant Sources

Various conventional (maceration and heat-assisted extraction) and new alternative techniques (ultrasound-assisted extraction and microwave-assisted extraction) have been developed for the extraction of polyphenols compounds from different plant sources. Novel procedures have established with the aim to reduce the extraction time and solvent consum...

By Aleksandra Jovanović, Predrag Petrović, Verica Đorđević, Gordana Zdunić, Katarina Šavikin, Branko Bugarski