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This study represents a continuation of exploring of the biological activities of the Artemisia santonicum essential oil. The previous investigation was focused on the antibacterial, antibiofilm, and antiquorum activities of A. santonicum essential oil and isogeranic acid as the main antibacterial constituent. The present study describes their anti...

By Jovana Stankov-Jovanović, Miroslav Novaković, Miroslav Novaković, Vele Tešević, Gordana Zdunić, Zora Dajić Stevanović, Dejan Gođevac

Nepeta nuda L. (syn. N. pannonica L.) is a herbaceous perennial plant, is the most widespread species of the genus Nepeta, the largest genera in Lamiaceae family. However, N. nuda is well spread worldwide, and divided into four subspecies according to morphological differences which occur within large geographical range of distribution: subsp. nuda...

By Milica Aćimović, Jovana Stankov-Jovanović, Mirjana Cvetković