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Our study's objective was to systematize knowledge and traditional usage of plants against respiratory infections among the population in Serbia, based on literature data, and compare these results with published ethnomedicinal studies conducted in other territories of Balkan region. The study aimed to produce a review that can be a basis for furth...

By Marija Marković, Dejan Pljevljakušić, Jelena Matejić, Biljana Nikolić, Mirjana Smiljić, Gorica Ðelić, Olivera Papović, Mrđan Ðokić, Vesna Stankov-Jovanović

The paper provides an insight into the traditional use of medicinal plant species from the genus Gentiana in the Pirot County in Southeastern Serbia. The ethnopharmacological study was conducted in the form of interviews among the population in four municipalities: Pirot, Babušnica, Bela Palanka, and Dimitrovgrad. Among the population of Pir...

By Marija Marković, Dejan Pljevljakušić, Nebojša Menković, Jelena Matejić, Olivera Papović, Vesna Stankov-Jovanović

23.11.2015. Originalan naučni rad– Original scientific paper

The present study was aimed to investigate antioxidant and antimicrobial potential of methanol and ethyl-acetate extracts from dried aerial parts, inflorescences and fruits of Opopanax hispidus (Friv.) Griseb., fam. Apiaceae. The antioxidant potential was evaluated with the help of two in vitro antioxidant models – DPPH and ABTS assays and es...

By Jelena Matejić, Ana Džamić, Tatjana Mihajilov-Krstev, Vladimir Ranđelović, Petar Marin