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This study aimed to assess the optimal extraction parameters, solvent-to-solid ratio, and extraction time, for ultrasound-assisted extraction of Satureja montana L. (winter savory) harvested from a 6-year-old experimental plantation. The optimization was performed in order to acquire extracts that are rich in the content of polyphenols (TPC), flavo...

By Natalija Čutović, Petar Batinić, Tatjana Marković, Dragoja Radanović, Aleksandar Marinković, Branko Bugarski, Aleksandra Jovanović

Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis L.) is a perennial herbaceous plant widely used in modern and traditional medicine. The aboveground part, particularly the leaves, has many benefits; in traditional medicine, it is used for the preparation of various teas and tea blends, while in modern medicine to obtain essential oil as it is considered a precious ...

By Stefan Gordanić, Dragoja Radanović, Milan Lukić, Snežana Mrđan, Sara Mikić, Željana Prijić, Tatjana Marković

The aim of study was to investigate development of perennial medicinal plant, Satureja montana L., cultivated in dry farming conditions of South Banat, Serbia, with use of black permeable mulch film. In the first two vegetations, the influence of fertilization and crop density on yields of the aboveground plant part (per plant and per m2) and on th...

By Dragoja Radanović, Ana Matković, Rada Đurović Pejčev, Tatjana Marković, Vladmir Filipović, Snežana Mrđan, Jovica Vasin

This paper presents growing possibilities of oily and medicinal plant - black cumin (Nigella sativa L.), and defines agro-technical standards for this. Use of seed and black cumin oil in the world is increasing. With regard to this, the goal of this study was to establish  technical procedure for cultivation of this, less commonly cultivated s...

By Vladimir Filipović, Vladan Ugrenović, Dragoja Radanović, Tatjana Marković, Vera Popović, Sofija Đorđević, Snežana Dimitrijević

Peppermint (Mentha x piperita) is a perennial, medicinal and aromatic, cultivated plant species belonging to Lamiaceae family. In this study, survey of 9 organic mulches (straw, chopped pieces of the pine bark, sawdust of acacia, cardboard, dry pine needles, chopped maize sedge, chopped pieces of the acacia bark, herbal composts 1 and 2), 1 biodegr...

By Ana Matković, Tatjana Marković, Vladimir Filipović, Dragoja Radanović, Sava Vrbničanin, Dragana Božić

Physical methods for weeds suppression in cultivation encompass many methods but our article focuses on application of various mulches. They belong to integrated non-chemical weed management strategies and are very useful in organic farming. Mulching might be performed either by the use of biodegradable mulching materials or by various mulch films....

By Ana Matković, Dragana Božić, Vladimir Filipović, Dragoja Radanović, Sava Vrbničanin, Tatjana Marković

21.11.2015. Originalan naučni rad– Original scientific paper

This paper examines the influence of agro-ecological conditions and plantation periods on the occurrence of planting dates of flower stalks, offering fresh and dried valerian root. The aim of this paper is to solve one of the technological unknowns in primary production of valerian roots, where one group of manufacturers base their production on fa...

By Vladimir Filipović, Milica Aćimović, Vladan Ugrenović, Dragoja Radanović, Tatjana Marković, Vera Popović, Ana Matković