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This paper presents an analysis of the morphological and anatomical characteristics of the aboveground parts (herba) of clary sage (Salvia sclarea L.), with an emphasis on the investigation of its surface structures. After the procedure of the primary processing and drying of the plant material, it was determined that the composition of the crushed...

By Milica Ranđelović, Bojan Zlatković, Maja Jovanović, Bojana Miladinović, Milica Milutinović, Dragana Pavlović, Suzana Branković, Dušanka Kitić

Herbal products have gained popularity, and they are often perceived as safe. The roles of the pharmacists and physicians are essential in the proper usage of those products. This study aimed to investigate the students of Faculty of Medicine in Niš about the use of herbal preparations and the differences between medicine, pharmacy and denti...

By Emilija Kostić, Milica MIlutinović, Milica Kostić, Jasmina Petrović, Bojana Miladinović, Suzana Branković, Maja Vujović, Dušanka Kitić