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In two-year experiments, conducted in 2009. and 2010, on the soil sub-type chernozem with signs of gley in loess (location Starcevo, South Banat), influence of different organic mulches on agro-physical characteristics and yield of carrot root, cultivars ˝Nantes SP-80˝, were investigated. The study included four types of organic mulches, as follows...

By Vladimir Filipović, Radosav Jevđović, Snežana Dimitrijević, Tatjana Marković, Jasna Grbić

This work represents a research of Ca, Mg, Fe and Zn contents in fresh aboveground biomass of wild nettle. The samples of wild nettle were collected from different localities in South Banat during 2008. year. Investigations included three localities with different soil types: chernozem with signs of gley in loess (Starčevo), marsh dark soil (Ivanov...

By Vladimir Filipović, Vladan Ugrenović, Đorđe Glamočlija, Radosav Jevđović, Jasna Grbić, Vladimir Sikora