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This paper presents growing possibilities of oily and medicinal plant - black cumin (Nigella sativa L.), and defines agro-technical standards for this. Use of seed and black cumin oil in the world is increasing. With regard to this, the goal of this study was to establish  technical procedure for cultivation of this, less commonly cultivated s...

By Vladimir Filipović, Vladan Ugrenović, Dragoja Radanović, Tatjana Marković, Vera Popović, Sofija Đorđević, Snežana Dimitrijević

In two-year experiments, conducted in 2009. and 2010, on the soil sub-type chernozem with signs of gley in loess (location Starcevo, South Banat), influence of different organic mulches on agro-physical characteristics and yield of carrot root, cultivars ˝Nantes SP-80˝, were investigated. The study included four types of organic mulches, as follows...

By Vladimir Filipović, Radosav Jevđović, Snežana Dimitrijević, Tatjana Marković, Jasna Grbić

This paper presents results of experiments on impacts of spacing and soil types on yield of above-ground biomass of bigroot geranium (Geranium macrorrhizum L.). Experiments were carried out on three types of soil: chernozem, brown forest and marsh soil. The experiments were set following randomized complete block design, with application of four ro...

By Radosav Jevđović, Vladimir Filipović, Goran Todorović, Snežana Dimitrijević, Tatjana Marković

The aim of the study was to demonstrate how seed size and temperature regimes on seed quality affect the germination rate and total germination of quinoa. The energy and total germination quinoa variety KVL-37 have been investigated. Following the harvest, the seeds were dried and processed, and then the sample of seeds was separated for testing th...

By Radosav Jevđović, Goran Todorović, Vladimir Filipović, Miroslav Kostić, Jasmina Marković, Snežana Dimitrijević